Britannica Image QuestThis link opens in a new windowDigital images of museum quality from the collections of the Natural History Museum, Getty Images, Bridgeman Art Library and others. Citations included!
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ABC-Clio DatabaseThis link opens in a new windowThis ABC-Clio collection contains the following databases: American Government;
American History; Health and Wellness Issues; Pop Culture Universe; The African American Experience; The American Indian Experience; The Latino American Experience; United States Geography; World Geography; World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras; World History: The Modern Era
GVRLThis link opens in a new windowFHS titles-eBooks covering the Arts & Humanities, a variety of encyclopedias in Fashion, Biographies, Environment, Law, Medicine and More. The American Decades, African Eras and a variety of ebooks on Science and Technology are contained in this collection
Salem Press OnlineThis link opens in a new windowYou can find your literature and historical research resources using critical essays, primary resources and documents, and encyclopedias in health and sciences in this collection.
Infobase Facts on File DatabasesThis link opens in a new windowAfrican American History; American History, Ancient & Medieval History, Modern World History, History Research Center, Biographies Online, Issues and Controversies, Literary Classics ebooks, High School ebook collection, Science Online, Today’s Science, and Health Reference Center